In Bali, there lived a king who holds Sri Bagening. The king has many wives, andhis last wife was named Ni Luh Pasek. Ni Luh Pasek from the village of Banner, anddescendants still Kyai Gobleng Pasek. One time, Ni Luh Pasek contain. By herhusband, she was entrusted to Kyai Jelantik Bogol. Before long, her son was born. The child was given the name I Gede Pa-secant. I Gede Pasekan has greatprestige, so much loved and respected by community leaders and ordinary people.
One day, when he was twenty years old, his father told him, "Son, now you go tothe Den Hill in the Flag.""Why dad?""Because that's where the birth mother."Before leaving, his stepfather gave two magic weapons, namely a keris called theNew Ki Semang and a spear named Ki Tunjung Speech. Along the way, I GedePasekan accompanied by bodyguards, led forty Dumpiung Ki and Ki Dosot. Whenwe reached the area called the Stone incense, they spend the night with a closelyguarded by the guard in turn.
At midnight, a sudden came a magic forest-dwelling creatures. He lifted Gede IPasekan up his shoulders so I Gede Pasekan can see the view out to sea and theland that stretched before him. When he looked toward the east and west, he sawthe island very much. When looking to the south blocked by the mountain scenery.After the creature was gone and then came a whisper."I Gusti, actually what you see will be a regional power." The next day the group moved on. Although it is difficult and full of obstacleseventually I Gede Pasekan group achieved the goal, namely the village of Banner,the birthplace of his mother.
One day, there is a boat that washed ashore Bugis local Panimbangan.Warga whoasked for help could not lift it. The next day the Bugis boat owner for help on I Gede Pasekan."Help us, Lord. If the Master managed to lift our boat, some charge that will behanded over to Mr. as his reward. ""If that's your desire, I will try to lift the boat," said I Gede Pasekan.I Gede Pasekan immediate focus. With his magical powers, rocking ship wassuccessfully lifted. As an expression of gratitude, the Bugis were giving the gift of half of the contents of the boat to I Gede Pasekan. Among the gifts there were twobig gong. Since then I Gede Pasekan become wealthy and titled I Gusti Flag Way.
I Gede Pasekan power began meuas and spread everywhere. He also founded a new empire inDen Hill. Approximately the 17th century, the capital of the kingdom was called by the nameSukasada. I Gede royal Pasekan grew up north. The area is a lot of trees Buleleng. Therefore,the center of the kingdom turned to the region. The county was named Buleleng.
In Buleleng built a magnificent palace called Singaraja. This name indicates that the occupantwas a mighty king like a lion. However, there are opinions that say that the name means ahaven king of Singaraja. Perhaps when the King was still in Sukasada, often stop there. So, theword is derived from Singaraja stop the king