Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack’s mother said, “we have no food. go into town and sell our cow.”
So jack led their cow to town. On the way, he met an old man. The man asked, “will you sell me your cow?”
Jack said, “Yes! How much will you give me?”
The old man showed Jack five beans. “I will give you these magic beans. They will make you rich.”
Jack traded the cow for the beans. Then, he went back home.
Jack told his mother about the beans. But she was very angry. She said, “What have you done? Now, we have no cow and no money!”
Jack’s mother threw the beans out the window. “There are no such things as magic beans. These beans are useless!”
The next morning, Jack looked out his window. He could not believe his eyes! The beans had grown into a tall beanstalk!
Jack loved to climb, so he climbed the beanstalk. He climbed and climbed and climbed. Jack climbed until he came to a castle in the sky.
Jack knocked on the castle door. A tall woman let him in. Jack said, “I have come long way. I am hungry. Do you have anything to eat?”
The woman gave him some eggs. Then, they heard footsteps.
“Quick! Hide in the cupboard!” the woman yelled. “If my husband finds you, he will eat you up!”
Jack hid in the cupboard and waited.
A horrible giant came into the room. He sniffed the air and said, “Fee, fi, fo, fum! I smell the blood of an englishman!”
His wife said, “No, sir! You smell your breakfast.”
She put his breakfast on the table. “I cooked three pigs for you.”
The giant ate the pigs. Then, he opened a bag of gold and began to count it.
After a while, the giant fell fast asleep. Jack sneaked out out of cupboard. He grabbed the bag of gold. He run out of the house and climbed down the beanstalk.
Jack’s mother was very happy to see the gold. They had a lot to eat for a long time.
Then one day, the gold was gone. JAck decided to climb the beanstalk again. He climbed until he cam to the same castle in the sky.
Jeck knocked on the door. The same woman opened itu.
Are you the boy who took our gold?” she asked.
“Yes,” said Jack, “but i can explain.” Before Jack could say anything, they heard footsteps.
“Quick! Hide in the cupboard!” the woman yelled. “Or this time, he will surely eat you for breakfast!”
The giant came into the said, “Fee, fi, fo, fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman!”
His wife said, “No, Sir! You smell your breakfast.”
She put his breakfast on the table. “I cooked three cows for you.”
The giant ate the cow. Then, he told the woman to bring him his hen.
She put the hen on the table. The giant said, “Lay.”
The hen laid a golden egg.
Soon, the giant fell fast asleep. Then, Jack sneaked out of the cupboard. He grabbed the hen and ran out of the castle.
Jack climbed down the beanstalk. He showed his mother the hen. “Lay!” he said and the hen laid a golden egg. Jack’s mother was very happy.
On day, Jack climbed the beanstalk again. He climbed and climbed and climbed until he came to the same castle in the sky.
This time, Jack did not knock on the door. He sneaked inside the kitchen. Then, he climbed inside a tub and waited.
Soon, the giant came into the kitchen. He sniffed the air and said, “Fee, fi, fo, fum! I smell the blood of an Englishman!”
His wife said, “No, sir! You smell your breakfast!”
She put his breakfast on the table. “I cooked three goats for you.”
The giant ate the goats for you.”
The giant ate the goats and asked for his harp.
The woman put a harp on the table.
The giant said, “Play!”
The harp played beautiful music. Soon, the giant fell fast asleep.
Jack sneaked out of the tub. He grabbed the harp and ran. As he did, the harp cried out, “Master! Master!”
The giant jumped up and ran after Jack.
Jack climbed down the beanstalk as fast as he could. But the giant was right behind him! When Jack reached his house, he grabbed an ax.
Chop, chop, chop!
Jack cut the beanstalk in two, and it fell down.
The giant fell down with the beanstalk.
Bump! Thump! Thud!
And that was the end of the giant.
Jack and his mother were very happy. They had a hen that laid golden eggs. And they had a harp that played beautiful ever after and were never hungry again.